Seeking Great Representation
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Seeking Great Representation

When it comes to taking care of yourself, having access to an incredible lawyer is absolutely essential. A few years back, I was accused of a crime that I didn't commit, and it was absolutely devastating. The only way that I got through the ordeal was by finding an excellent general attorney who could represent me. I worked hard to find the right lawyer, and it was amazing to find an expert who truly understood what I was up against. This blog is all about finding the right lawyer to help you through your legal battles so that you can avoid serving time for something you didn't do.

Seeking Great Representation

Divorce And Guilt: Tips For Dealing With Guilt And Getting The Divorce Settlement You Deserve

Henry Jennings

Almost everyone who files for divorce feels guilty at some point during the process. In fact, divorce and guilt often go hand in hand. As one of the documented emotional stages of divorce, guilt is a natural part of the process and takes many forms. If you've recently filed for divorce or are thinking about it, you are probably already dealing with feelings of guilt, and you may be tempted to make concessions in the divorce when it comes to property division and child custody in order to assuage your feelings of guilt. But you shouldn't. You are entitled to a fair divorce and an equitable division of property. Following are tips for how you can reign in your guilt and get the divorce settlement you deserve. 

Make Logical Decisions

If you're dealing with feelings of guilt, you probably want to get the divorce over and done with, and you are probably willing to sacrifice anything just to get it done quickly and as painlessly as possible. However, making rash decisions can have a huge impact on your financial and emotional stability later on. When deciding what things to ask for in your divorce, think logically. Try to take all emotions out of the equation and look at the big picture. Do not consider your emotions. Instead, think about what your life will be like years from now if you don't ask for your fair share. 

Accept Guilt

You are going to feel guilty, especially if you're the only one who wants the divorce. If you can accept that you're going to feel guilty, you can begin to get past it. Don't try to fight your feelings of guilt. Instead, embrace them and expect them. You are going to experience a great deal of emotions during your divorce. 

Know That You're Not Alone

Even if your partner doesn't want to divorce, you were not in the marriage alone. Your partner also has some responsibility in the end of the marriage. Do not accept all the blame. After all, it takes two. You both have some culpability in the failure of your marriage. 

Never allow guilt to make your divorce decisions for you. Always look at legal decisions through an unemotional lens. While you will feel guilty, you shouldn't give away things that are rightfully yours just to feel better in the short term. Divorce has long-term implications and you should look out for your long-term interests when filing for divorce. Consult a divorce attorney, such as Robert G. Moore Attorney at Law, to ensure a smooth-flowing divorce.
