Seeking Great Representation
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Seeking Great Representation

When it comes to taking care of yourself, having access to an incredible lawyer is absolutely essential. A few years back, I was accused of a crime that I didn't commit, and it was absolutely devastating. The only way that I got through the ordeal was by finding an excellent general attorney who could represent me. I worked hard to find the right lawyer, and it was amazing to find an expert who truly understood what I was up against. This blog is all about finding the right lawyer to help you through your legal battles so that you can avoid serving time for something you didn't do.

Seeking Great Representation

A Kinder Divorce

Henry Jennings

Once the decision to divorce has been made, you have another choice to make that could influence the tone of your divorce proceedings. You can take steps to ensure that your divorce results in a more positive, hopeful beginning, instead of a stressful and negative mess, by being reflective about the causes of the divorce, by taking responsibility for your part and by the legal team you choose to handle the divorce. Read on for important steps toward a friendlier divorce.

Take a dispassionate, non-blaming look at how your marriage failed

As you can imagine, overly emotional and vindictive behavior can result in both time-consuming and expensive divorce situations. It's very tempting to place blame on the other party when a marriage falls apart, but relationships don't happen in a vacuum, and being able to come to terms with your part in the break-up will not only ease the stress between you and your spouse, but will serve you well as you move forward into a new relationship.

Using the court system to exact revenge will cost you both time and money and will inhibit your growth and recovery process. View the ending of your marriage by considering how hot-button issues like health, work, infidelity, stress and mental health have affected your relationship.

Communication differences can cause enormous problems that can sometimes be helped by marriage counseling, but are often too severe to overcome once years of misunderstandings pile up. It's extremely difficult to have a successful relationship without proper communication skills from both parties.

Life can throw you curves occasionally, and how you, and your spouse, handle those occasions can define your relationship. Handling the feelings associated with stressful events can make or break you, so take a look at how you both dealt with insecurity, anger, fear, and other unwelcome but common emotions when faced with an unusual situation.

Mediation and collaborative divorces

Some divorce attorneys are beginning to practice a new form of divorce, referred to as collaborative divorce, that fosters open communication, problem-solving outside of court and a less adversarial stance toward divorce in general. Additionally, a divorce mediator can be a valuable part of your legal team. Mediators are specially trained to help divorcing couples work through specific issues like property and debt division, child custody, support and visitation and spousal support. Any issues solved through mediation is one less issue for the courts to decide.

You, your spouse and your children all deserve a more positive and less traumatic experience. Talk with your family law attorney like one from Law Office of Jeffrey Dragon today about more ways to make your divorce less acrimonious and more positive.  
