Seeking Great Representation
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Seeking Great Representation

When it comes to taking care of yourself, having access to an incredible lawyer is absolutely essential. A few years back, I was accused of a crime that I didn't commit, and it was absolutely devastating. The only way that I got through the ordeal was by finding an excellent general attorney who could represent me. I worked hard to find the right lawyer, and it was amazing to find an expert who truly understood what I was up against. This blog is all about finding the right lawyer to help you through your legal battles so that you can avoid serving time for something you didn't do.

Seeking Great Representation

What Are The Benefits Of Settling My Personal Injury Claim?

Henry Jennings

Just about all successful personal injury claims end in one of two ways: a trial that concludes in favor of the injured person or a settlement. Depending on your case, there might be several reasons why settling the case instead of going to trial is the right move.

Your personal injury attorney will help you decide which route is the best for you. Before you make this decision, consider the typical benefits of settling a personal injury claim.

It Will Take Less Time

Personal injury claim settlements are actually more common than lawsuits. This is partly because reaching a settlement takes less time than going through a lawsuit.

If you have to bring your case to court and have a trial, the entire thing will hinge on the court's availability and schedule. It's very possible you'll have more than one court date to resolve the case. For each court date you need, there could be a waiting period of weeks or months in between while the court handles other cases. This means even a straightforward personal injury case could take months or even years to end.

Settlements, meanwhile, are often done through meetings held at a law firm. The meetings are based on the availability of the people involved in the case and not the local court system. When you, your personal injury lawyer, and the other parties in your case work together to free up your schedules, your case might be settled within just weeks after the accident.

It's a Less Stressful Process

Walking into a courtroom can feel foreign and intimidating. Even with your personal injury attorney by your side, you're still likely to feel some apprehension about going through a trial.

When you settle your case, there are no courtroom formalities you'll have to follow, no jury to contend with, and no judge watching you the entire time. Settlement negotiations usually only have a handful of people in the room, including you, your personal injury lawyer, the person responsible for your injuries, and their attorney.

It Will Give You More Control

You'll have some control over the final compensation you receive in your hands when you settle. Your personal injury attorney can argue for a higher amount if you feel you are being lowballed. You can also present the calculations for damages which are harder to prove, such as pain, in a quieter setting. This often makes explaining how you reached those numbers easier than trying to explain it in front of a jury or judge.

Regardless of which resolution route you choose, your personal injury attorney will work to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. If you think the only way to receive compensation for your injuries is by going through a long trial, remember that settlement may be an option in your case instead. For more information, reach out to a personal injury attorney at a firm like Siben & Siben LLP
